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A 360°
Social Media

For NYC Eateries

Over 100 eateries in NYC trust us to grow their social media. For $1500, we provide end-to-end social media management. Our partner food influencer creates engaging content, while a content strategist strategizes and manages your page, including influencer marketing, ads, community management, and analytics. A quality assurance manager ensures high standards and measurable results, making customers Crave what you offer.

Our Offering

$1500  per month


Our content strategist will tailor make a strategy for your page based on factors like the target audience, brand voice, competitor analysis and most importantly, the intention behind the content. Once we have aligned on the strategy, a custom shoot plan is created every month so we can capture all the content we need.
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Our partner food influencer will capture your eatery's content for maximum engagement. We then develop a content calendar with 18 posts and stories, including captions, hashtags, and tags. After quality checks and your approval, we seamlessly post everything on Instagram according to a pre-made schedule.


Coordination with 3 influencers, ensuring your brand reaches an audience of ~100k organic impressions, leveraging influencers’ credibility to enhance your brand's visibility.
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Targeted instagram ad boosts to increase your content's reach, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement with your target audience.


Active management of your social media interactions, responding to comments and engaging with your community to build loyalty and foster a positive brand image.


Comprehensive analytics to track performance, adjust strategies, and ensure we are meeting your goals, providing transparency and insights into the growth of your social media presence.

The Team

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Dedicated Content Strategist & Influencer Marketing Manager

Our content strategist creates your social media strategy, shoot plans, coordinates with the food influencer to capture content, designs graphics & edits videos, creates the content calendar, coordinates with influencers, manages ads, and analyzes performance.


Content Creator

No one knows how to make content like a food content creator and influencer herself. This is why you'll get a food influencer who visits your eatery to capture compelling content based on the shoot plan. They craft engaging posts that align with successful Instagram strategies that have worked for their own pages.





Quality Assurance

Ensures that every piece of content and every strategy implemented meets the highest standards of quality, maintaining the integrity and appeal of your brand. The quality assurance manager meticulously checks all aspects to ensure they achieve measured outcomes.


The Journey
of Crave

Armand founded Crave initially as a student at NYU. He observed that hiring a local social media agency was expensive for eateries in NYC. Given their budgets, eateries often relied on an intern or a manager overwhelmed with responsibilities, or a freelancer who overcharges, leading to suboptimal results.

Aaliya joined Armand, and together, we figured out that if we could provide these eateries with top-notch content creation services in NYC, while having the back-end work done reliably by India's top freelance talent, then both affordability and quality could be passed on to the eatery. Recognizing the importance of a quality assurance layer, we formed a unique combination of elements that delivered outstanding results. We scaled to over 100 eateries.

This success led us to form, a freelance platform that ensures the quality delivery of work with India’s top freelancers curated. To date, we’ve generated over $1M in revenue and have been recognized by Forbes India as one of India's Select 200 Companies with the highest global potential.

We recently decided to relaunch Crave by Atlancer to create the ultimate social media solution for eateries in both New York and London. This new iteration harnesses the power of influencer-created content at its core, along with everything we've described here, in collaboration with our local partners. We pour everything into making this the ideal solution for eateries and hope that this combination of services ultimately adds incredible value to the customers who trust us.


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curated freelancers
on one platform


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In 2023, we were named by Forbes India and DGlobalist as one of 200 brands with global potential.

Clients We Have Worked With

Content Creation:
T Swirl Crepe

Our strategy for T Swirl Crepe focuses on identifying viral trends in the food & beverage industry on Instagram and TikTok, and recreating them in a way that is relevant to the brand & their target audience.

In just 60 days of service, we have seen the following results:




Video Views


Unique Viewers



Success Stories

“This is a testament to their love for what they do. They become part of your brand and company and treat it like their own. This is something you cannot put a price on. They’re the best out there.”


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“You guys have been doing a FANTASTIC job on the grids and the whole team loves them.⁣

Thank you!”


“Coming to Atlancer was one of the most blissful experiences. If you are looking to grow your brand, they are the one for you. They treat your brand like their own, and bring out its highest potential!”


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Get A
Free Strategy!

If you own an eatery (or something like it) in NYC or London, you're eligible for a free strategy from us. We'll meet you at your eatery to understand what you need and then present it to you. You can either use us to execute it or execute it on your own!

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